Kamla Yet To Apologize For Comparing Stranded Citizens to Slavery

No Apology from Kamla, UNC On Claims Of Treatment Of Stranded Trinis Worse Than Slavery

With 2020 general election fever in full swing in Trinidad and Tobago, United National Congress (UNC) Political Leader Kamla Persad Bissessar is under fire from the T&T public to apologise for a recent controversial statement that has gone viral on social media. A declaration by the UNC Leader  on a recent virtual political platform which she made a comparison between the desperate issue of Trinidad and Tobago citizens who have been stranded abroad and still unable to return home with the 400 year humanitarian crime against a race of people. 

Ms Bissesar shouted out loud during her virtual campaign "You cannot abandon over 10,000 citizens of your country, you cannot do that. That is worse, I think, than slavery and indentureship" as she attacked the ruling People National Movement (PNM) government of how she believes is a current mismanagement of the Covid-19 in the twin island Republic. Many people have taken to social media, including the Attorney General Faris Al Rawi  and the Heliconia Foundation  to criticise her racially divisive claim. 

Heliconia Foundation responded to Kamla by stating on their Facebook page; "Mrs. Bissessar is either tone-deaf or willfully ignorant. To compare the phased return of nationals to 400 years of what may very well be the worst humanitarian crime ever carried out on a race of people is just plain ignorant. We call on the opposition leader to apologise and retract the statement. We would also recommend that she educate herself about the horrors of slavery before using it flippantly to gain political points.
#blackLivesMatter "

The General election is planned for August 10th and the public awaits to see if Ms Bissesar and the UNC will confront these recent statements with an apology or just sweep this under the election campaign rug to be lost and forgotten. 
