Calypso History Month Is Here - 7 Calypso Songs You Should Know

Oc­to­ber was of­fi­cial­ly de­clared “Ca­lyp­so His­to­ry Month” in 2002 by TU­CO (Trin­ba­go Uni­fied Ca­lyp­so­ni­ans Or­gan­i­sa­tion). Ca­lyp­soes, through their po­et­ic lyrics and rhythms, cap­ture historic moments of a nation, intensifies feelings of nostalgia and can bring awareness to social and political issues in society. This is what makes Calypso music unique and different from many other genres of music. The potent story telling in song is done like no his­to­ry book can. Ac­cord­ing to one of Trinidad's ear­li­er Ca­lyp­so­ni­ans, Lord Be­gin­ner, “When I sing about a crick­et match, you didn’t have to read the news­pa­pers again.” 

Below are seven classic Calypso tunes you should know as we celebrate the genre of music that gave birth to Soca music.

David Ruder - Calypso Music

  Mighty Sparrow - Jean & Dinah 

Lord Kitchener - Sugar Bum Bum

  Calypso Rose - Fire in Me Wire

Black Stalin - Black Man Feeling To Party

Lord Nelson - King Liar

Mighty Sparrow - Congo Man 


  1. Replies
    1. PROGRESS - Portrait of Trinidad - In Time to Come -

    2. I agree, definitely Progress!

    3. Progress should be number 1 on this list.

  2. Please, ah beggin yuh, doh belittle we artform by arksin which one is de best.

    Kaiso is a broad and complex entity - from a musical an literary point ah view. Yuh cyar compare de one form wit de odder - old lavway, minoy key, storytellin, social commentary, political commentary, comedy, music fuh dance, musik fuh panorama...
    Is like arksin if ah Mozart piano concerto better dan ah Tchaikovsky violin concerto.

    Yuh see wey ah comin from?

  3. Poor Mans Furniture Shop. Trinidad Rio


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