Kamla, UNC Side With Trump In Support of Juan Guaido In Venezuela

Kamla Supports Trump In America's Intervention In The Region - Venezuela 

There are questions  in the political realm of Trinidad and Tobago about whether it is true or not that the Opposition party (United National Congress) led by Kamla Persad Bissessar  has chosen to reject the elected President of Venezuela Nicholas Maduro and instead recognise embattled Venezuelan politician  Juan Guaido as President of Venezuela. We at Soca Music Tv can declare this is fact not just rumour. While speaking in the Red House (Trinidad and Tobago Parliament) on January 25th, 2019 the leader of the Opposition UNC declared her and her party support for Guaido as interim President of Venezuela until elections is held. This public announcement in the Red House made it clear to the world that she and her party has joined Donald Trump American government on the Venezuela matter.  Since then the UNC has continued to be vocal on this issue. As up to today Wednesday May 20th, during a LIVE morning show "Morning Brew" on Trinidad's CNC3 channel, UNC member for Parliament Rodney Charles continued to voice his party support for the American backed leader Juan Guaido. Meanwhile the ruling PNM party government has joined their regional counterparts in calling for non-intervention by foreign nations in Venezuela and for both sides in the conflict to come together to find a peaceful solution.

Juan Guaido who is selected and backed by the American Trump government as the new President of Venezuela has not been elected in any election for President by the Venezuelan people. Some American allies have supported the American government backing of Guaido and officially followed in declaring him the Venezuelan President. But many other nations around the world have rejected the undemocratic decision of intervention by the United States, emphasising Venezuela is a sovereign state 

In the Caribbean  CARICOM  regional body where Trinidad and Tobago is an important member state, most CARICOM nations have also rejected this undemocratic decision of intervention by Trump's administration, instead joining other nations around the world calling for non-intervention in Venezuelan internal affairs by external powers. 

 Many nations such as Russia, Bolivia, China, Cuba to name a few who do not support America's intervention has repeatedly stated intervention will only bring more chaos on the ground when third party nations become involved. This usually lead to different factions fighting against each other and igniting the possibly of civil war, leaving many innocent dead. History has proven this to be the reality with US intervention in other nations around the world.


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