I Am Changing the Soca Industry Through Soca Music Tv

Soca Music Tv Has Been Successful Breaking The Seasonal Mindset 

My soca people around the world if you are reading this then you and me have something in common. We both have an interest in soca music and anything related to soca strikes an internal chord of attention. If you are familiar with Soca Music Tv consistent promotion of soca on social media (especially on Facebook) then we have more than just similar interest but we both share a love for the most infectious genre in the world. 

When I first created Soca Music Tv in 2016 using a Facebook page  I was responding to a frustration that many soca fans had around the world. Radio stations and most Djs who were claiming to love the music will rarely play the music outside their local Carnival seasons despite the popular soca songs being more demanded by listeners than songs of other genres. This led to artistes unwilling to release soca music outside their local Carnival seasons (especially the top artists from Trinidad and Tobago). Instead they felt it was less of a risk to release a pop or dancehall song outside Carnival with the hope of a better chance of being supported by the music controllers.

But my outlook in 2016 and still the same today in 2019 is social media is a more convenient access to music and entertainment than radio stations. So my plan was to use Soca Music Tv on social media as a reliable source for new and classic soca all through the year and not only during Carnival. New and old soca lovers will naturally come back to my page on a consistent basis to see what's new and what is viral in soca as I tun them into soca junkies. As my page support grew, soca lovers around the world (especially in the Caribbean) began to put more pressure on their radio stations to play their favourite soca songs now! and not when Carnival season begins! This is the indirect pressure Soca Music Tv has put on radio stations in the last few years and in the mecca of soca (Trinidad and Tobago) we have seen soca in heavy rotation as early as October in 2017 and September in 2018. 

Today in March 2019 (after Carnival) I am aware of radio Djs and club event promoters saying they have no choice but to always play different sets of soca throughout the night simply because the fans will be disappointed if they don't hear their favourite songs.  This is the impact of Soca Music Tv social media presence and I plan to enhance the pressure through Facebook and Youtube to reach more fans globally. So soca artists go right ahead, have no fear and release your next big tune anytime during the year.  
